Web-Tools For Your Business
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How to increase your Web-site efficiency and gain additional benefits

"...Delivering your solution does not mean the completion of your project. In the end, your success is defined not by the fact of completing the project but winning the market.
Ed Sullivan, "Under Pressure and On Time"

We often hear "We've already got our web-site (online companion) but it does not generate good profits though we invested a lot in its creation." We understand these people because the web-site development can cost thousands of dollars, and if it does not generate extra benefits (no expected profits or poor brand promotion), then this cost will be your unwanted expenses.

After your web-site is already launched, the next phase is even more important, its goal is to attract as many visitors interested in your products and services as possible. In other words, you have to inform your Internet audience about your Web-site and aim potential buyers at your web-page that will bring new customers and increase your profits.

For this purpose you may use traditional advertising approaches (via media, television, etc) and/or use Internet-based advertising and promotion tools.

Major Internet advertising technologies are brand promotion and attracting interested visitors to your web resource. There are several approaches that serve this purpose effectively. For instance, to promote your brand you can use banner ads and to attract visitors you can use web-site promotion in various search engines.

Banner ads can substantially increase your brand recognition and as a result - increase your sales and this way your web-site visitors can become your direct customers. Selection of the suitable type of banner ads depends on the goals of your advertising campaign.

Over 95% of the new web-site visitors come from the search systems. Advertising in various search engines will bring substantial number of visitors and each of them can be your potential customer, it is true because they search for the particular information of their interest. All these potential customers can turn into your regular buyers and increase your sales.

To increase your web-site efficiency our company provides the following services:

  1. Initial optimization and promotion for your web-site.
    This service provides selection of the key words/phrases, your web-site optimization using the selected key words/phrases, registering your web-resource in the wide base of Internet catalogs. This process is the foundation for the web-site promotion in various search engines and by this means only you already get quick results and inflow of visitors.
  2. Content-based advertising. This kind of advertising requires paying for each visitor on your web-site. The content sources can be well-known web resources thematically related to the content of your web-site and/or various search engines. The launch of the content-based advertising brings immediate results.
  3. Banner ads. Placing visual ads and banner images on the most recognized resources or thematic web-sites.Brings immediate results.
  4. Advertising on the thematic web-sites. Placing text, images and visual information on the web-sites with similar or related content. We select the list of the thematically related web-resources and place the most attractive ads. All visitors in this advertising category are your potential customers.
  5. Promotion in the search engines. Attracting potential customers on your web-site from the Internet search engines. Requires from one to three months to bring stable results. This type of advertising steadily brings the maximum number of visitors becoming your potential customers.

Are you willing to increase the number of potential customers and boost your brand recognition?

How to request our services?

  1. Choose the advertising approach suitable four you.
  2. Contact our manager and request to fill in the New Web-site form or create a quote directly on our site.  Carefully fill in the form, mark the services you interested in and briefly describe your vision on the advertising campaign. We are always ready to assist you and answer your questions.
  3. After processing your request our specialist will contact you shortly.

If you already have a web-site we can make it work more efficiently for you. Just ask our manager for our Web-site promotion service or just follow this link for additional information.

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